
Geolocation plugin for Xamarin and Windows

Project maintained by jamesmontemagno Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Checking Current Location

There are a few properties that can be used to easily check connection information using the plugin.

Location Properties

There are several properties on CrossGeolocator.Current that can help when getting geolocation and ensuring the hardware has support for geolocation.

/// <summary>
/// Desired accuracy in meters
/// </summary>
double DesiredAccuracy { get; set; }

This property tells the location managers that it is okay to be X meters off. The default is 100 meters.

/// <summary>
/// Gets if device supports heading
/// </summary>
bool SupportsHeading { get; }

Determines if the device and OS supports returning the heading of the location.

/// <summary>
/// Gets if geolocation is available on device
/// </summary>
bool IsGeolocationAvailable { get; }

Determines if geolocation is actually available and capable of getting geolocation.

/// <summary>
/// Gets if geolocation is enabled on device
/// </summary>
bool IsGeolocationEnabled { get; }

If the geolocation mechanisms of the device are actually enabled.

Cached/Last Known Location

Before quering for a full location which will boot up sensors for geolocation you can query for the last known or cached location of the manager. It will return null if no cached location is available.

/// <summary>
/// Gets the last known and most accurate location.
/// This is usually cached and best to display first before querying for full position.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Best and most recent location or null if none found</returns>
Task<Position> GetLastKnownLocationAsync();

Query Current Location

Requests a query of the current location. This will start the location sensors on the device to attempt to get the current location. It is very possible that the request take much longer or not available, so exception handling should be considered.

/// <summary>
/// Gets position async with specified parameters
/// </summary>
/// <param name="timeout">Timeout to wait, Default Infinite</param>
/// <param name="token">Cancellation token</param>
/// <param name="includeHeading">If you would like to include heading</param>
/// <returns>Position</returns>
Task<Position> GetPositionAsync(TimeSpan? timeout = null, CancellationToken? token = null, bool includeHeading = false);

Full Example:

public async Task<Position> GetCurrentLocation()
   public static async Task<Position> GetCurrentPosition()
			Position position = null;
					var locator = CrossGeolocator.Current;
					locator.DesiredAccuracy = 100;

					position = await locator.GetLastKnownLocationAsync();

					if (position != null)
							//got a cahched position, so let's use it.
							return position;

					if (!locator.IsGeolocationAvailable || !locator.IsGeolocationEnabled)
							//not available or enabled
							return null;

					position = await locator.GetPositionAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20), null, true);

			catch (Exception ex)
					Debug.WriteLine("Unable to get location: " + ex);

			if (position == null)
					return null;

			var output = string.Format("Time: {0} \nLat: {1} \nLong: {2} \nAltitude: {3} \nAltitude Accuracy: {4} \nAccuracy: {5} \nHeading: {6} \nSpeed: {7}",
					position.Timestamp, position.Latitude, position.Longitude,
					position.Altitude, position.AltitudeAccuracy, position.Accuracy, position.Heading, position.Speed);


			return position;

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