
Cross-platform In App Billing Plugin for .NET

Project maintained by jamesmontemagno Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Purchase Subscription

Subscriptions are purchases that expire (or sometimes auto-renew) after a set period of time. You should track when the subscription was purchased, when it expires, or read this information from the existing purchases. They follow the same work flow as a normal Non-Consumable.

Each app store calls them something slightly different:

All purchases go through the PurchaseAsync method and you must always ConnectAsync before making calls and DisconnectAsync after making calls:

/// <summary>
/// Purchase a specific product or subscription
/// </summary>
/// <param name="productId">Sku or ID of product</param>
/// <param name="itemType">Type of product being requested</param>
/// <param name="obfuscatedAccountId">Specifies an optional obfuscated string that is uniquely associated with the user's account in your app.</param>
/// <param name="obfuscatedProfileId">Specifies an optional obfuscated string that is uniquely associated with the user's profile in your app.</param>
/// <returns>Purchase details</returns>
/// <exception cref="InAppBillingPurchaseException">If an error occurs during processing</exception>
Task<InAppBillingPurchase> PurchaseAsync(string productId, ItemType itemType, string obfuscatedAccountId = null, string obfuscatedProfileId = null);

On Android you must call FinalizePurchaseAsync within 3 days when a purchase is validated. Please read the Android documentation on Pending Transactions for more information.


public async Task<bool> PurchaseItem(string productId, string payload)
    var billing = CrossInAppBilling.Current;
        var connected = await billing.ConnectAsync();
        if (!connected)
            //we are offline or can't connect, don't try to purchase
            return false;

        //check purchases
        var purchase = await billing.PurchaseAsync(productId, ItemType.Subscription);

        //possibility that a null came through.
        if(purchase == null)
            //did not purchase
        else if(purchase.State == PurchaseState.Purchased)
            //only needed on android unless you turn off auto finalize
            var ack = await CrossInAppBilling.Current.FinalizePurchaseAsync(purchase.TransactionIdentifier);

            // Handle if acknowledge was successful or not
    catch (InAppBillingPurchaseException purchaseEx)
        //Billing Exception handle this based on the type
        Debug.WriteLine("Error: " + purchaseEx);
    catch (Exception ex)
        //Something else has gone wrong, log it
        Debug.WriteLine("Issue connecting: " + ex);
        await billing.DisconnectAsync();

If you are on Android you must also now provide functionality to allow users to unsubscribe via 1 of 2 options:

  1. If you sell outside of the store you need to link to your page to cancel in the app
  2. if you use in app billing you need to deep link to ->

obfuscatedAccountId & obfuscatedProfileId

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