
Cross-platform In App Billing Plugin for .NET

Project maintained by jamesmontemagno Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Testing and Troubleshooting

Integrating and testing In-App Purchases is not an easy task and should go through a lot of testing. I have attempted to simplify the integration part, but the app store side is a bit trickier. Here are my tips and tricks on each platform:

iOS Testing & Troubleshooting

Ensure Contracts are Signed

You will not be able to test any StoreKit functionality until you have an iOS Paid Applications contract – StoreKit calls in your code will fail until Apple has processed your Contracts, Tax, and Banking information.

How to test purchase from TestFlight

Android Testing


Android Troubleshooting

UWP Testing & Troubleshooting

Turning on Testing Mode

In UWP, in-app purchases get can be tested by using the CurrentAppSimulator class instead of CurrentApp.

To switch the UWP’s InAppBillingImplementation to testing mode, set the InTestingMode boolean property.

CrossInAppBilling.Current.InTestingMode = true;

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